The Importance of ADHD Assessment
“Squirrel moment!” Have you been told you have them or noticed them in yourself? It’s a common phrase used for individuals who lose focus and sometimes have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Especially in adults ADHD can go undiagnosed, often times because they have learned to compensate for these issues. ADHD testing can help confirm a diagnosis or rule it out. In turn, it will help you work with doctors and mental health professionals for a treatment plain tailored to you.
What is the purpose? Assessment can help you gain a greater understanding of yourself or your child. Having this information can assist you in being more effective in your day to day life, from task completion, greater motivation, and increased ORGANIZATION, to improved relationships and personal happiness among other positive changes. For minors struggling in school, the report developed through assessment can contribute in the development of 504/Individual Education plans (IEP) in order to help your child be the most successful student they can. adults managing ADHD can gain an understanding of helpful ACCOMMODATIONS that an EMPLOYER may be able to provide.
What does ADHD Assessment involve? You will find the approach to assessment is unique to each agency or organization. At Beyond the Storm Counseling, we pride ourselves in a thorough and accurate assessment that provides information that is IMMEDIATELY usable in daily life. we utilize multiple self-report and observer behavioral QUESTIONARIES to understand not only what the person being assessed is experiencing, but also things their friends, families, and teachers have noticed. This gives us a well-rounded picture of attention issues as well as other common co-occurring diagnoses’ that can exacerbate or mask attention issues. We also utilize a brief intelligence test and computerized attention assessment to give us insight into your optimal learning environment and what situations are likely to cause the most distractions. The other major component is a memory test that helps us understand the kind of information that is retained by each person and ways to help with the given memory difficulties. Overall, we strive to take a more holistic look at symptoms in order to give the most detailed and individualized report that we can to help identify potential further treatment steps.
What is the treatment? This completely depends on your preferences. During the report, you will be given strategies you can implement in multiple contexts to help with managing symptoms. You can work with a counselor to help with management of symptoms and learning new techniques. There is also medication utilized for treatment of ADHD. Visiting your Primary care provider or Psychiatrist with the results from your report can help doctors find the right medication for you.
If you are in Ohio and believe ADHD Assessment could benefit you or your child, please click below to contact us for more information.